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We're winning this thing.



Thank you for your support in the Primary. I’m more fired up than ever before to take the fight to Sacramento and win the election. Together, we’re going to defeat one party rule and restore the California Dream we knew and loved growing up.

I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself and my vision for our great state. My name is Greg Wallis and I live in Bermuda Dunes. I’m married to my fantastic wife, Desiree, and we have two dogs, Gunner and Harley. For the last 8 years, I’ve spent my professional career as the District Director for our local Assemblymember.

To be frank, I never had aspirations for elected office. I always saw myself serving the community in different ways. But two things compelled me to run.

The first is my job as the District Director for our local Assemblymember. Day in and day out we get calls about problems with our state government. Things like unemployed constituents not being able to access their unemployment checks, veterans needing help collecting their benefits, and seniors needing help accessing their retirement. I’m fed up with watching our government fumble the basics every day. Failures like those of the Unemployment Office, DMV, and High Speed Rail need to end.

The second reason is personal. My friends and family are leaving California because Sacramento politicians are failing us and the next generation of Californians. Increased crime and homelessness. Higher taxes, restrictive home prices. Failing K-12 schools. Traffic gridlock. Losing freedoms. The California I think we want? A place where a good idea and hard work can get you ahead. Where there is opportunity to be successful and prosper. Where we lend a helping hand to people who need it Where it’s safe to walk the streets at night. Where every student has a good school. I don’t think that’s asking too much, do you?

If you like what I have to say and are interested in helping the campaign, click the button below to chip in a couple bucks. Or if you’d rather help the campaign by donating your time, send an email to and we can get you making phone calls out of our campaign HQ!

All the best,

Greg Wallis

Candidate for Assembly District 47

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